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Celebrating Juneteenth with Diving with a Purpose

By 存 Staff | July 22, 2022

To celebrate Juneteenth 2022, 存 hosted an inspiring discussion with Diving with a Purpose 劳务和退休金部().

Recently featured on National Geographic, DWP is a non-profit organization dedicated to the conservation and protection of submerged heritage resources. They provide education, 培训, 认证, and field experience, for adults and youth, in the fields of maritime archaeology and ocean conservation, which includes the rebuilding of coral reefs.

DWP’s special focus is the protection, documentation and interpretation of the African slave trade shipwrecks and the maritime history and culture of African Americans who formed a core of labor and expertise for America’s maritime enterprises.

存’s co-sponsors of the 2022 Juneteenth Celebrations, 盖Keady, 存 Managing Director and Chief 客户端 Officer and Murray Pozmanter, Former President of 存 清算 Agency 服务 & Head of Global Business Operations, the Diverse Talent Management and Advancement (DTMA) team and Employee Resource Group, 大胆的. organized and took part in the event which was watched by employees worldwide.

During a conversation with Employee Resource Group, 存’s Raina Rene, 大胆的’s Co-Chair, two members of DWP, Kamau (Lead Instructor) and Jewell (Diver) shared some highlights of their journey with DWP which was started in 2003. They also shared various ways that 存 employees could get involved to support their work through donations, volunteering and even learning how to participate in one of their expeditions.

You can visit DWP’s 网站 了解更多.


Kamau and DWP are featured in a podcast called Into the Depths and the March 2022 issue of National Geographic Magazine by Explorer Tara Roberts. The article and six-part podcast series explore the complex history of the global slave trade and the stories of the estimated 12.5-million Africans forced to make the Middle Passage. 点击 在这里 了解更多.

Photo Credit – Photograph by Wayne Lawrence of Kamau and Jewell

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